Thursday, August 25, 2005


I should have had biology yesterday but the lectuer called the class of as he had something more important to do than teach us!!

So i headed off to college this afternoon in the pouring rain and went and found somewhere to park, thankfully i remembered my umbrella :D !!

got up to the class and thankfully there was people there so i wasnt having to stand around on my own. there was one person there that had rushed into college for 12.15 thinking thats when the class started but it acutally didnt start till 1.15!!

so we went in and had a chat about what communication is and why we have to take it. through out the blocks that were there werer going to have to do two talks to the class.. thats alright. i ramble enough as it is as long as its somethign i know i'll be able to get up and talk in front of them..

so after we had dissuced that we played a game called the round robin. There are 17 people in the class. so the game worked like this

say i was 3rd in the row.. it would work like

person 1 : phantom
person 2 : phantom, archon
person 3 : phantom, archon, phade


it was funny cause in the class i was the 15th person!! it was soo hard!! i knew most peoples names but i struggeld with the last few..

once we had done that we had to write for 20 mins about anything. just to see what the lecturuer thought of our writing and how well we will get on within the course.

then we went on a tour of the libary.. that was slightly boring i knew where the books were and how the worked! it wasnt the first time i had been in the libary !! ( yaawwn)

we were then free to go.. a few of us were walking back to our cars and one said i'm off home now to clean out my snake...

i thought to myself ewwww.. i wouldnt like to keep a snake ... S: dead mice for its tea yucky!!!

so that was my day today not very exiciting

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


So after lunch this afternoon ( tuesday ) my only full day! we had Care

we went in and had an itelllengce test !! that was a right laugh apparently i'm not that intellegent after all!! ok ok

1. How many aninmals did Moses take in to the ark!?

answer: None the last time i checked Noah took the animals into the ark

2: You are in a house with four sides. all the sides face south . a bear walks by. what colour is the bear?

Answer : White

3: You are Drving a bus between point a and point b. when you start the journey there are 20 passengers. six get of at point c. four get on in point d in culidng 2 babies. ten people get on in point e. and four elderyu couples get on at point f. wishing to go to the hospita. the bus only has 45 seats. what is the drivers name?

Answer : you! or in my case Phade.

4: you are in a hut in the forest. you have a candle a fire and a match. which do you light first?

Answer : Match

5: Which country has a fourth of july UK or USA

Answer: Both.. every country has a fourth of july

6: for a recent illness your dotor has given you three tablets which you have take every half hour. how long does this treatment last?

Answer: 1 hour

7: Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10 what is your answer?

Answer : 70

8: W?hich month has 28 days?

Answer: Every month has 28 days


so that was fun, it was jsut a silly thing so that we weould have commnets to make and get to kmnow one another before we had to interview each other!!!

we had to answer questions on why we wanted to be a nurse..

oh yeah if you didnt know i'm training to be a nurse. ..

there was alot of differnet types or nurses people wanted to be

im going to be a special needs nurse. but first i'm going to do my basci nursing training so that i have something to fall back on if i later decide i dont want to always be in the special needs area.

so i've had enough rambeling for now

i'm off college tomorrow so i will update on thursday whats happenin next in my college days!!!

the wonderful world of chemistry.. suppoesedly

well this morning i got in my car and i headed towards college. the scrubs theme tune playing.. its all good.. get to college and again have to circle around and around just to find a place to park at the college...

finally got a place to park and headed up the hill into the college then up the 3 flights of stairs to the 3rd floor!!! far too many stairs for that time in the morning!! got to class and sat with some new friends that ive made..

i'm in Chemistry this mornig incase it wasnt obvious!! got given out a book NC Chemistry!!! scary buiscuits i've never done chemistry before in my life!! i did biology when i was at school and no good at that!! anyway so we were given out this huge table which looked like double dutch to me but was revelad to be the periodic table!!!

full of lots of funky numbers and letters!! lets see if i can find an example.. god doing revision just with typing this up1!! i am impressed. ok ok itll have tobe later !!!!

anyway after i had discovered the world of the perodic table we did an experiment!!!

that was fun.. we were given a test tube and a bottle of sulphur and a bottle of iron bits? cant remmber what it was.. so we had to get 2 heaps of sulphur and 2 heaps of iron andthen heat it up on the bunsen burner i felt like i was back at school!! we burned it and noted the changes that happend!! it went bright orange!! it was that hot i thought the glass was going to break !!! so we wrapped that up .. and then we started to learn about the compounds within the table and forumlas¬!! check this out!! ok ok this is just notes so i can come back to it late if i forget !!!

The ending IDE usually indicates that the compound contains only two elemds.
the ending ITE compund also contains Oxygen
The ending ATE: compound also contains alot more Oxygen

one - mono two - di
three - tri four tetra
five penta six - hexa
seven - hepta eight - octa
nine - nona ( not sure if i spelt that one right)
Ten - Deca

did you know that

Iron Sulphide is - FeS
Iron Sulphite is - FeSO3
Iron Sulphate is - FeSO4

Octane is C8H18

and can i tell you that most of this just went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over my head!!!! so the end of the chemistry lesson came and we headed off for lunch in the rain!!! i got soaked!!

This was my morning.... we were told we would have a test soon in chemistry too.. i dont like all these test words!!!!! weve onyl been back 2 days and they already want to test us ARGH!!!!!!!!!

Another Chapter

well this is another chapter in m life!!

i started back at college today into a Nursing course.. its full time so going to be in 5 days a week :( boo hoo so ill hopefuly have lots to write about.

Monday moring i have Biology...

that was alright yesterday morning, the lecturer was funny and we all seemed to get off to a good start.. 20 mins in to the class and were already starting to do work!!

Learning about the Digestive system and the 24 hour cycle!

did you know that the small intestine is 26ft long!!!

random comment lol but i learnt that yesterday.

and then near the end of the morning when we were finishing some work. the nice lecturer turns around and tells us that we have a TEST a week of wednesday!! we've only just started the course and we have a test already. i couldnt believe it.

i also have a 1000 word essay to write! woo hooo!! thats not due till November though

anyway about to go and start another day will up date on today later :)