Tuesday, August 23, 2005


So after lunch this afternoon ( tuesday ) my only full day! we had Care

we went in and had an itelllengce test !! that was a right laugh apparently i'm not that intellegent after all!! ok ok

1. How many aninmals did Moses take in to the ark!?

answer: None the last time i checked Noah took the animals into the ark

2: You are in a house with four sides. all the sides face south . a bear walks by. what colour is the bear?

Answer : White

3: You are Drving a bus between point a and point b. when you start the journey there are 20 passengers. six get of at point c. four get on in point d in culidng 2 babies. ten people get on in point e. and four elderyu couples get on at point f. wishing to go to the hospita. the bus only has 45 seats. what is the drivers name?

Answer : you! or in my case Phade.

4: you are in a hut in the forest. you have a candle a fire and a match. which do you light first?

Answer : Match

5: Which country has a fourth of july UK or USA

Answer: Both.. every country has a fourth of july

6: for a recent illness your dotor has given you three tablets which you have take every half hour. how long does this treatment last?

Answer: 1 hour

7: Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10 what is your answer?

Answer : 70

8: W?hich month has 28 days?

Answer: Every month has 28 days


so that was fun, it was jsut a silly thing so that we weould have commnets to make and get to kmnow one another before we had to interview each other!!!

we had to answer questions on why we wanted to be a nurse..

oh yeah if you didnt know i'm training to be a nurse. ..

there was alot of differnet types or nurses people wanted to be

im going to be a special needs nurse. but first i'm going to do my basci nursing training so that i have something to fall back on if i later decide i dont want to always be in the special needs area.

so i've had enough rambeling for now

i'm off college tomorrow so i will update on thursday whats happenin next in my college days!!!


Blogger Phade said...

yup you noticed me being very tierd and completely missing the '0' and hitting the - instead!!!


so yeah the answer is still 70

10:08 am  

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