Monday, September 12, 2005

Friday night again

Well its Friday again and I’m sitting in the station far too early waiting for the train to leave to go and see phantom. Ahh I so can’t be bothered with the journey I have so many other things that I should be doing right now.. like studying!!! I have so much to do..

Ok so a run down of my week..

On Monday I had biology that was alright I don’t mind that I got the results back of a test I did on the digestive system and I aced it – so woo hoo! So we moved on to the circulatory system that was quite interesting knowing that half of your body has deoxygenated air and the other has oxygenated air! And did you know that your blood is blue!!! Pretty cool huh.. so we were then told that we were going to have a test on that on Wednesday. The panic struck in then I thought oh my god I’ll never remember all this in the space of 2 days!! So that was my morning in college

So I spend all night studying for this test on Tuesday and end up loosing sleep during the night as I keep waking up and I’ve been teaching my self in my sleep about the circulatory system. Not a good start to the day being very tierd.

Tuesday I have a full day I absolutely loath chemistry not the subject but the lecturer. Come to think of it we are three weeks into the course and I don’t even know the guys sodding name! I mean how bad is that. he didn’t even introduce him self when he started the class at the start of the course! GRR there was one girl in the class on Tuesday who went up to him and said “excuse me sir whats your name?” and the lecturer replied “do you want my Saturday name” I mean how rude is that !! anyway so we did loads of expirments on Tuesday that was a good laugh. So that was finished and we were told to read a bit for next week so I can cope with that as that’s not for next week.

Lunch time – I have a roll and chicken mayo and then head back up for the after noon class. The lecturer was in such a foul mood she, stormed into the class room and said take out your homework I bet you all haven’t done it. and she went round and checked each and everyones homework and there were 2 people that handt done it and she had an absolute flakily so I was mad at that I wanted to leave the class she had annoyed me that much I mean ffs there was no need for her to storm into the class!!! The afternoon went on and her mood got better we ended up talking about skills and qualities that was quite interesting we have to write 100 words on a skill and a 100 words on a qualitiy for next Tuesday !

So now its Tuesday night and I’m worried about the test we have on the next day on the circulation system so I spent all a little bit of time studying for it. fall asleep and then get woken up by phantom and think oh dear I should have been studying all this time that I’ve been sleeping… so then after a brief phone call I don’t another 10 mins of studying and then go back to sleep and get up early

So now its Wednesday morning and I’m thinking uhhhh its too early to get up but I get up and then I don’t an hours worth of exercises I know I’m mad but I had to wake my self up I was that tierd. Then I start to study i’m feeling pretty comifdent about the test as I had been teaching myself it in my sleep.

I get to college bright and early and start to study again. The joys of the circulatory system, comes to 9.20 so decide to head up to the class and get settled for the test that’s fine.

I start the test and think omg the diagram is completely different to the one I’ve been studying!!! So I know I have the first part of the test a bit shakey not quite sure how I did on that one the rest of the test was pretty good.

I have Wednesday afternoons off so I go to asda and do abit of shopping and buy a new top. We get told on Wednesday morning that we have another test on Monday on the excretory system so I have to study for that!! ARGH more studying how many test are they going to give me in the first three weeks I mean its appauling I’ve had 4 tests and I’ve only been back 3 weeks!!!!!!!

Thursday afternoon in Communication wasn’t that bad really it was basically just telling us how were going to write our essays and what style she wants them in nothing at all like this blog I’ve posted as it doesn’t have linking and likely have no full stops and comas in the right places. !

Friday morning in sociology – omg what can I say BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING !!!!! it was the worst morning of my life. He just dragged on and on and on and on in fact I don’t even want to talk about it it was that horrible and I think for the moment I’ve written enough its now 18.00 so that means my train is about to leave YEYEYE

Another 2hrs 46 mins and I’ll be with my phantom woooooo hooooooo

Ok so I have been on the train now for half n hour and I’m bored already I studied for that half n hour and I’ve just given up for now I’m too cold. My lips were blue earlier because I was that cold – how annoying is that ? I really want of this train and into a nice hot bath to heat up even though that’s not good for you if your really cold.. hmm I’m on a high speed train and were going at like 20 mph!!

Oo I’ve just had my ticket stamped yey. I meant to ask him about the heating but I forgot ooops!!

That’s me arrived at my first stop ! an hour and 46 mins to go yey

I’m completely annoyed! 6 people have sat down beside me and I’m trying to study

OK just to update its now Monday afternoon - i have sat my test and got the results back - I PASSED WOO HOOO


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