Friday, January 14, 2005

The beginning

My story is a one born with ancient magics before man before beast a time when demons ruled where nightmares walked the earth baring your worst fears out for all to see...
My Name is Phade although through the ages I have been called many things and worshiped by creatures so powerful that they could rip worlds apart. My powers were beyond measure I roamed wherever I choose and crushed all in my path.
There was rip in our plane of existence a god its name unknown it came through it quickly defeated the gods that ruled over our plane of existence all who opposed this god were destroyed its darkness was blinding.
I refused to bow to this power the god struck at me and I fought back The god was amused by attempts!! amused!! it cast me out of my home killed my followers trapped me in this lesser plane of existence in this body this mortal body my powers striped from me my kingdom destroyed I ruled for countless ages I can feel the god has not striped me of all my powers I must find a way to grow again to brake free of my prison that dark god will come I will grow I will find a way to deal out pain and death to all who get in my path.
There are many gods here it should be easy to find one who is pleased by my works. I am the thing that evil fears.

Phades Journey

working out just how this all works!

Course of Action

Ever since that day Phantom has taught me everything he knows.. i would be lost without him..he is still in my life today.

I always look back on that first day, i met Phantom and he was so badly wounded, i wished i could have helped him. Now my time has come to train to be a nurse, so if i meet anyone again throughout my journey i shall be able to aid them. unfortunately i havent heard back from the course, so it is just a matter of time before i hear.

lastest thoughts

***Thinks to herself***

A long time ago while adventuring I once met a man known as Phantom, he was badly wounded so I went to him. He needed aid but there was nothing I could do - I felt so helpless. And all he said was, "I shall rise again, seek me out."

For many years i searched until eventually i found him, he said to me:

"I was once a man who believed he could not be defeated until I was. Now I am back. I am the next Phantom. My time has begun!"